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Traditional Architecture of India an overview



Johny AJ


February 11


6 Minutes Read

Traditional Architecture of India an overview

"GOD IS IN DETAIL", said Ludwig Mies van Der Rohe, the most influential architect of 20th Century known for his role in development of modernism.He meant that when attention is paid to the small things, it can have the biggest rewards.Working out details requires great application- something akin to traditional architecture which had religious fervor.
Detail in traditional architecture was not about the obvious design things, colors, drop shadows, it was about something that is harder to define; experience and subconscious patterns that help user feel more at ease. It is diverse in type and objective and is both functional and aesthetical in nature.
Architecture is not an absolute art but relative art. It is the art of innovation and creativity and retains significant relationships with time, space and culture. At certain period of time, architecture has been dominated by conventional and traditional outlooks, customs and practices.
Traditional architecture is classified as design that features many characters and culture embedded to them to give them a unique appearance. The traditional architectural style of a place is the physical manifestation of the conscious assimilation of an older truth. Buildings with traditional sense are a great way to put the past history in memory and showcase ancient scenes. Traditional architecture incorporates fair and balanced patterns and policies of civil management, well-organized collaboration.
The local forms of construction capitalize knowledge of how buildings can be effectively designed to promote cultural conservation and traditional wisdom. Since traditional architecture design approach is based on predominant traditions and the widespread identity of the society, hence, the architectural outcomes of the traditional architecture are uniform and consistent. The distinguishing feature which is highly emphasized is its strong social and structural homogeneity.


Traditional architecture paid attention to detail, took into consideration climate endurance, used lower embodied energy materials.
It is highly durable than its modern counterpart.
Traditional buildings are more costly to build than modern homes, thus making them the most durable buildings. In Traditional architecture, the construction materials are very cheap, affordable, and easily available, requiring relatively little labor.


The reason for decline of Traditional Architecture

With the advent of Industrial revolution in western societies and the utilization of new building materials, the technologies of construction were improved and materials such as steel and Concrete began to be used in buildings. Gradually, many new and more advanced building techniques started being invented and developed.
  • Local and technological limitations have certainly their own impact and influence on traditional designs.
  • The advent of new technologies into a region with a rich history, culture and background can lead to a challenge between technology and architectural traditions of the region: The reason for the challenge between technology and the traditional architectural background is that the required infrastructure and the readiness for handling the concept of globalization does not exist.
  • In modern times, we are witnessing the growth in a variety of fields. Indeed, technology is the realization and function of modern-day requirements; similarly, in line with the changes in spatial, physical, social, cultural and political needs of people.
  • This perceived gap is a limiting factor in appreciation of local forms and technology. Second is to highlight materiality, design innovations, and ingenuity in local architecture.
  • The employed technologies are not always consistent with the local, economic, cultural and practical factors of the society.
  • Detailing of architecture as in traditional architecture is often omitted from design services agreements to reduce cost and left by default to the contractor to determine, where the contractor may not have an understanding of the overarching design concept, or the critical eye to execute appropriate details, and may be motivated by a financial incentive to construct in the most expedient way. This undermines the potential value of the built design and the client's investment in the project.

    Necessity to avoid the decline in traditional architecture:

    New technologies can be modified and arranged in line with the behavioral patterns of life in the social settings. The utilization and application of new technologies in proper combination with the local and traditional elements and components and also their use in proposing the challenges and problems of the local setting are desirable.
    To preserve and protect the socio-cultural values and principles and the old traditional architecture of a certain location in harmony with the present-day conditions and norms.
    The new building materials can be used to create symbolic and meaningful blends of colors and decorations and enhance the compatibility between the structural structures and construction and respond to the ever-evolving needs of modern life.


    Approach towards co-existence of modern technologies and the traditional architecture:

  • Traditional architecture can use innovation to organize and systematize phenomena and artifacts. The process of using technology can be considered as a sublime and supreme achievement; such use of innovation gel in line with traditions and hence can be used to attain perfect blend with traditional practices.
  • The traditional architect may consider technology as the gradual supplementation of the achievements and accomplishments of the predecessors and entrust it to the next generation. The traditional architect makes as much contribution as he can to the values of the architecture. Indeed, the difference between them is so high that despite the fact that modern architects and researchers benefit from new technologies, many of the modern buildings which they have constructed have serious defects such as lots of useless, non-functional, dark, dismal and unnecessary Such malformed constructions are the result of non-systematic and disorganized designing and there is no logical relationship and compatibility between different parts in the majority of them.
  • The process of globalization has brought about space and time density. Modern architects could use both traditional expertise and technology to create consistency and compatibility between different parts of the building and hence art and technology could be integrated as well as embedded in the framework of architectural constructions from the past.
  • In modern times, the undesirable conditions of the cities and the frequent social crisis of human beings have had a big role in eradicating the identification and originality of the human beings and the residential areas. Indeed, the identity and originality have turned into challenging issues. Since the concept of identity has its origins in the historical progress and consistency, the traditional human has tried to adopt a conventional-approach.
  • As a matter of fact, the topic of architecture and urban constructions are the product of the interactions between human beings and the society. In this regard, history has its own impact and effect on the architecture.
  • Architecture has gone beyond the limits of simple meaning of a building and hence reflects the identity of its residents. Without neglecting the past, the art of architecture should adjust itself and meet the changing needs of the people. We can optimally use modern technologies to create a perfect and ideal architecture. As the population of the societies has increased and the general and specific needs of people have changed, hence, the building materials and the constructional styles and methods are to be changed and reexamined. Hence, appropriate and well-adjusted technologies should be at the architect's disposal and provide him with the required resolution and tools.
    The words "modern" and "traditional" are often considered as being in fundamental opposition to each other. One tends to suppose that vernacular architecture is a kind of traditional architecture, distinct from modern architecture. In this dualist view, the traditional is taken to be inept or technologically crude. sly details, materiality, as well as adaptive and smart-space solutions and techniques are deployed ingeniously as much (or more so) by the local unknown builders in a traditional setting as by modern illustrious architects.



    Architectural style changes over time. At times it becomes important to be reminded that we are that civilizations which has spanned at least 4500 years and which has left its impact on almost everything but in the disguise of modernity as identity, the traditions have been lost in its contemporary counterparts.
    As technology advances and life's demand becomes more complicated, the priorities of the architect in designing of a house, structure, temple, school etc. has definitely been altered. Machines have become more useful in the creation of comfort, which changes your general feeling and experience for each of the architecture type. Both of them can co-exist, with modern architecture dealing with transformation and change in the present as well as trying to fix it into the buildings that makes it change with time.
    he tools, strategies, and materials available to modern architecture are more when compared to traditional architecture. More so, the modern architect has more advantage of acquired knowledge and their union can help both parties derive optimum energy efficiency. Therefore, it can be contended that science and technology should be used with proper regard to the features and peculiarities of the local and specific area.



    2/1- 1 A 1 Rainbow Garden, Moovender Nager, Konam, Nagercoil KK Dist, Tamil Nadu.

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